Design strategist and leader based in the San Francisco Bay Area, passionate about empowering teams to create compelling experiences that drive growth

I’m a versatile designer with 18+ years of experience in various design disciplines. My focus is on delivering a delightful user experience while considering both the customer’s needs and the underlying structure. I use data and research to identify behavioral patterns and lead teams in solving complex problems.

My 4 Pinacles Of Great Design

These are also the building blocks for a great design system and an inventory and consolidation of like-minded elements that can be unified across multiple pages



The use of typography is essential for establishing design hierarchy and delivering content effectively..

Color Graphic


Colors are fundamental components that establish the tone, brand identity, and accessibility of a design.



Icons serve a functional and illustrative purpose, helping to guide users through the design and improve usability.


Spacing is crucial for page structure and layout, and it significantly impacts readability..

White Giraffe Graphic

Why The Giraffe

It is the perfect metaphor for UX. It is tall, can run at high speed, and requires little sleep. “UX designers are adept at taking a holistic approach, solving problems with speed, and exhibiting a passion for good design that allows them to work tirelessly.

Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend because inside of a dog is too dark to read.”

Groucho MaRX (and others)